Monday, February 11, 2013

Downton Abbey - The Complete Scripts

Did everyone catch Downton last night in the US? I'm going to come right out there and say I am the wierdo who has already seen the last episode while we were in London over Christmas. So I already know what happens, but I still love seeing how it all plays out!! I know, I know why would I do that? Well, the simple answer is I just had no self control that night and so I did....happy!?

Anyhow, my latest obsession is Downton Abbey The Complete Scripts for Season One. You're probably asking why one would want to just have every episode in script form, but let me tell you, it's so much fun to go back over them again, and maybe catch something you missed. Plus, Mr. Fellowes has so nicely provided juicy little tidbits as to why he  played a scene a certain way, or a bit of the history behind the scene. I promise you, I'm not trying to get my family members to act out scenes with me, (although what a tempting idea!)

Season Two Scripts will be released October 15th, 2013!

Q&C xx

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